Thursday 18 February 2021

See Hear Podcast Episode 82 - Interview with Colm Forde of Doc 'n' Roll

Bernie, Tim and I have never ceased to be amazed at the creativity and hard work that must go into making a film (any work of art, really). One thing we've never spoken about on the show is the art of film curation - a subject that Martin Scorcese himself has recently written about.

Welcome to episode 82 of See Hear Podcast.

Bernie and I spoke with Colm Forde, a man who took it on himself to start a film festival in London devoted to music documentaries – a strong part of See Hear's foundation. The festival itself has spread around the UK over the last few years. Colm had grand plans for further the festival, but....ya know....bloody he and his team focused on their VOD service. All music docs....all of the time. The best thing is the films are NOT geo-blocked (unlike so many streaming sites – and new Facebook policy for some media websites in Australia)

We discussed the trials and tribulations of film distribution, the delicate art of film selection, why we're living in a glory day for these sorts of films, and naturally, some of his favourite music documentaries – on and off the channel.

Many thanks to Colm for his time. If you want to see the amazing selection of films on the VOD check the website out at

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See Hear is proudly part of the Pantheon Network of music podcasts. Check out all the other wonderful shows at The list of new shows is always increasing.

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Download episode 82 from here.

See Hear Podcast Episode 117 - True Stories

  Did you ever read rags with headlines like “I had an alien love child” or “Psycho seagull stole dog from my garden” or “Monster rats the s...