Wednesday, 24 June 2020

See Hear Podcast Episode 74 - Interview with Boaz Goldberg about Tomorrow's Gone

There have been many 50s music stylists who pay tribute to Elvis and other icons of the rock and roll era but appear locked in a retro time warp. Then there are musicians like Charlie Megira who are consumed by the music alone – they’re doing something new and exciting based on the foundations of 50s rock and roll.

Welcome to episode 74 of See Hear Podcast.

Tim was absent, but Bernie and I spoke with first time director Boaz Goldberg about his 2019 documentary Tomorrow’s Gone. The film serves as both a chronology and a character piece on Israeli guitarist and singer Charlie Megira aka Gabi Abudraham. He started recording music in the mid 90s with music that was drenched in the likes of Santo & Johnny, Duane Eddy, Dick Dale and Sun era Elvis. Boaz met Charlie early on and was convinced he needed to document the music and thoughts of his friend. Charlie’s personal and professional life went in directions neither would have guessed. Sadly, the demons he was wrestling for much of his life got the better of him.

Tomorrow’s Gone serves as a beautiful tribute to a talented musician. We speak about Charlie, the music he loved, his spiritual leanings, the Israeli music industry of the day…..and headless Elvis statuettes. Bernie and I are extremely grateful that Boaz took the time to speak and would urge you to look out for the film on a streaming service or film festival. The story doesn’t have thousands of talking heads talking of Charlie’s importance – he has the music to do that.

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